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This section of the website is intended to provide general technical information on five fields in which MTPS is an actor:


MTPS techniques : soil nailing, blast work, micropiles, underground work, projected concrete
clouage, parois clouées
béton projeté
underground work
blast work

Micropiles are
mainly used
for compensating vertical loads
and securing the foundations
of construction works. They may also
be used to counter
shear strain
or vertical loads.

Nailing makes it possible to stabilize
landslides or rock sections
and to compensate horizontal strains,
whether it be a pushing force
or any other
horizontal strain.

Projected concrete
makes it possible to produce
rapidly concrete veils
of various thicknesses
on bases of any shape.
This technique is often
coupled with nailing
in the making of
nailed walls.

Underground works
require numerous techniques
(nailing, pouring concrete)
aimed at ensuring the stability
of chambers under particular
work conditions
in a confined space.

Blasting makes it possible to
break up the surface of rocky terrains
and level out the ground.


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