Look also for
Blasting Works, Public and Specialized Works

About us…


For half a century now, we have dealt with specialized works and their environment on a daily basis. We believe no construction site is quite like another, and each one is a new challenge to be met. Those challenges are what moves us on.


Blasting works, Public and Specialized works

The men and women at MTPS rely on the experience gathered over the years and on last-generation equipment that is targeted to their needs, and carry out the work with steadfast enthusiasm.


We also rely on innovation to find responses that fit every situation. We believe there is no room for chance: we carry out ongoing assessment of the accessability, feasability, safety, economic and environmental constraints in order to be ready to address any potential issue that may arise


If a particular work seems difficult, very difficult or maybe even imposssible to carry out, do not hesitate to consult us, and together we will find the solution that is best; there are always one or several ways out.



Areas of intervention …


At MTPS we are ready to intervene at any location within France. The Massif Central, Southwestern and Southern regions are areas that we know well since our work takes us there frequently. When required our teams may be seconded to missions abroad.











Public works and specialized works - Tarn


CARAYOL creates

the public works



Blasting works - Acrobatic works - Helicopter transportation




the family


specialized works safety environmental works


merges his

Specialized Works

activity with the MTPS structure.

Underground works, Technical excavation works, works at height

MTPS develops

new drilling

equipments for the

achievement of

anchorages in difficult areas.




let us build

the future…



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